OData vs GraphQL

Bernardo Teixeira
4 min readMay 17, 2023

As modern applications become more complex and data-intensive, efficient and flexible data retrieval from APIs becomes crucial. Two popular query languages, OData and GraphQL, have gained prominence in the API development space. In this article, we will compare OData and GraphQL, exploring their features, strengths, and use cases, to help you make an informed decision when choosing the right query language for your application.


OData (Open Data Protocol) is a widely adopted query language that follows RESTful principles. It provides a standardized way to expose and consume data over the web. OData supports querying, filtering, sorting, and paging data, making it ideal for scenarios where a predefined schema and a uniform way of accessing data are important. OData utilizes URLs and query options to construct queries and retrieve data in a structured manner.


GraphQL is a query language developed by Facebook that provides a more flexible and efficient approach to data fetching. With GraphQL, clients can specify precisely what data they need, and the server responds with only the requested data, eliminating over-fetching or under-fetching issues commonly associated with RESTful APIs. GraphQL allows clients to define their data requirements, enabling multiple resource retrieval in a single request, reducing network…

